Thursday, February 28, 2008


Well here we are back in the mountains for a change of pace. We left last Sunday and decided to break the trip up with a stop in Hilton Head. I had a real estate closing on Wed.that I really felt I needed to attend and also accepted the job of taking care of Josh's dog while he and Gabe take a trip to Calif. Had a wonderful overnight in Hilton Head. We made the rounds and checked out our old favorite places and spent two hours on the beach the next day. Trying to decide on winter spots and Hilton Head is a possibility as well as Anna Maria Island Fla. We left mid afternoon and arrived in Blowing Rock by early evening. It was a beautiful day with full sun shinning which is unusual for this time of year in the mountains......but we didn't have to wait too long for the crazy mountain weather to arrive as by the morning we were in the middle of a blizzard!!! Big winds and about 5 inches of snow and FREEZING!! Wasn't sure I was going to get to my closing on Wed. but all went smoothly and a very big check was deposited in my account this morning. We are now babysitting the dogs and visiting old friends we haven't seen in awhile. We are out of here on the 5th and back to the business of moving out of the Fla. house by the end of April. Still no definite sale on either house but several good possibility's that keep us hopeful.

Ira and I have decided to do another restaurant but are not sure if it will be north or south. Another decision that will be made within these next few months. We are planning the theme,food and decor and looking at various locations in the mountains and the beach. All is quiet on the home front. Ben is doing well in school,Gabe and Josh are off on their Calif. adventure and Bethany and Eli are working hard. Life continues to be a series of events that always have us wondering what God is up to. Just watched Oprah's show this afternoon on the fabulous mid-life and I have to agree. This can be the best years of your life but the key is coming to the awareness of who you really are. This is the time when you stop all the activity of the younger years and narrow it down to what your hearts desire is. A time to do what you love and accept yourself for the perfect child of God that you are. I think we live so busy most of our lives that when you reach this time of life, we fail to see it as a beautiful time of reflection and new beginnings. Anyway it was good to hear so many positive stories from our peers. I'm moving slowly...but I'm getting there!