Monday, December 17, 2007

Well, we're back in sunny but freezing Florida. It was in the 30's last night and feels like home that's for sure. The night before we were on a tornado warning with heavy rain and wind very close to our town. So whats up with this weather?? I'm hoping it will warm up this week but I'm sure many floridians are welcoming this cool change. Ben and Gabe will be flying in on Saturday as we all get ready to begin the big count down. Not doing too much this year. We will do a Christmas Eve service at Bethany's church and then our Christmas dinner at her house the next day. We will miss Eli and Jill very much but they have so much on their plate this year that I think it's best they stay close to home. All went smooth with the closing on their new house, both got new cars and new jobs so Christmas came early for them. The rest of us are looking for jobs, cars and homes as we move into 2008. Ira and I are rethinking our move to this part of Florida and will spend the next few weeks investigating some new areas farther south. Both of our homes in N.C. and Fla. are currently on the market so we are at a place in our life where we are really seeking God's will for the future. We have enjoyed our semi retirement somewhat but realize you have to stay busy to be happy. I think I may have convinced Ira to do one more restaurant...just a little will be fun!! So far he's listening, so if we find the right spot, it's a go. Will keep you posted, I know there is a change a coming. In the mean time we will put all of our cares aside and enjoy this blessed time to be with the ones we love the most, our family and friends. It's a time to appreciate all the many blessings God has bestowed on us over all these years. This past year has been one of the most trying for Ira and I as we seek to make some changes in our lives but I read somewhere that when a positive move is made, an obstruction is met. The question then is, will the challenge dismay and discourage you? When you go beyond just looking at your circumstances and rely on the Life within, it's not so hard to remain steadfast. Whatever happens, stand in your full spiritual stature and deny everything that is not of God. Nothing will then have power over you except God's perfect will. This Christmas is a time to say thank you God that you have created us to co-exist in this world with you by our side. Can't imagine it any other way. So Christ life wishes to all as we contemplate the only Gift we will ever need....Jesus!!

Friday, December 7, 2007


It's been awhile. Too much junk going on!! This picture of my soon to be daughter in law, sums it up as to how I feel. Anxious to begin the trek to Fla. just to break the monotony. Ira and I have decided retirement is not for us, at least not yet. We are off to find the journey that will lead us into this next phase of life. We will probably leave next week and go with anticipation that the Lord will reveal His perfect will for the future. We are thinking of starting up another little restaurant either here in the mountains or Fla. Since it is the beginning of the frigid weather here, we might as well give Fla. first choice. Have my eye on a few places. Put our house on the market in Tavares and will wait to see what transpires. So far , no offers but it's only been a few weeks. Thanksgiving has come and gone. It was a good thing to have all of the family together since this Christmas it will not be so. Eli and Jill will be in Pa. Gabe and Ben will fly to Fla. on the 22nd and for a change we will be having Christmas at Bethany's house. Everything is a little different this year and I'm trying to see that as a good thing. Change rocks our boats but sometimes it's necessary. Growth comes from moving out of our comfort zone and being willing to embrace the unknown. My Thanksgiving prayer this year was the fact that God is most assuredly with us. I am deeply thankful for that.

As I write this Eli and Jill are setting up house in Pittsburgh. They closed on their house yesterday and I can only imagine all that is going on tonight. Been there done that!!! Pray that they are keeping cool and calm in the midst of all that overwhelms them. I wish them love and laughter and music. Just put your favorite music on and it will all be OK!! And Ben is doing the same thing except with his roomie, Jordan in Wilmington. We hooked up the trailer Wed. and loaded up all the extras we had laying around, as in beds, lamps,dishes,towels,etc. and off we went on the 6 hour drive to coastal N.C to move him into his new house. It was sweet. Tiny little house but they love it and are planning to STUDY HARD, and create some beautiful music and grow up into the fine young men I know they will become. Our last hurrah was filling their fridge up, house blessings, kisses and hugs and that chapter was closed. Back on the road, getting home about midnight. With so many people in the family I am finding it very hard to detach. My heart is always with each one. We have our own life to concentrate on and it seems to always get pushed way back because their lives always take the forefront. Sometimes you feel like you're drowning. I really think this might be the year that we break through and everyone walks their own walk and we all meet in the middle. I want that.