Thursday, September 13, 2007


Weird night. Just watched the next to the last episode of Big Brother and I'm sad. I really was pulling for good vs. evil and once again I'm let down. Just shake my head and get the inner words of "you're in this world but not of it." Why does the negative image always prevail????
Such a bad message to the world but seems to be the one that on the surface prevails. I admit that I get discouraged from time to time but it doesn't make a dent in what I believe is true and good in this world. I just see that you have to have faith in who you are and believe in a God that has indwelled man and Stand, no matter what you see in the visable. It's hard. I know it's silly to even see that divison in a reality show but man......that evil Dick was the end all of a bad guy. He made my skin crawl!!! So of course he and his daughter are the big winners. They were the best players and so you have to give them that. Best player wins.......get over it.

On to more important things. Leaving on an overnight to Lake Lure. Trying to add a picture of our day on the farm with our friends in Ashe County. They just bought an amazing piece of the world. 40 acres and a little farm house in God's country. I'm getting the feeling that this might be the new surge. Find a spot of ground you can claim and build your world. If you're looking, let me know, I'll find you you're special space.