The weather has been incredible the past few weeks which is why my writing and reading have taken a back burner. You just want to be outside soaking up all this glorious sunshine. I feel a stronger appreciation for the blue skies this time around and I was wondering why it hit me so hard this year. As I was walking down the road the other day I almost got choked up remembering Ira and Max and I trudging down the same road a few months ago, wrapped up in hats and scarfs and gloves, fighting off the harsh winds and blinding snow coming at us full force and a shot of emotion just filled me, on this now beautiful spring day with all signs of new life and green grass and sunshine bursting forth. For some reason life becomes more meaningful when we weather the storms and come through on the other side. I've found this to be true in all walks of life. Especially in business we have always said that our success was due in part to the extreme difficulties we were able to handle in those beginning years. We looked back and knew that we had earned everything we had worked so hard for and had a sense of pride to know that we didn't give up.
So.... as much as I complained about the winter, it is now over and good times are ahead. This has been an exciting time in our family as we all came together to share in the wedding vows of Gabe and Katie on March 20th and a perfect and most beautiful wedding it was. We all participated, our family and Katie's, to make it a very memorable occasion. About 60 people came together in a beautiful beach house on Topsail Island and we witnessed the coming together of a young man and woman. Their love for each other was evident and I think we all took away a sense of how simple love can be. He loves her, she loves him and we all love them......let's celebrate!!
Being together with my entire family for several days was an added bonus for me. It was hard to let my grandson go on that last day. He is 6 months old already and as the days tick by, I realize how fast he is growing up. I so wish we were closer to share in all of the day to day but will have to be content to cherish these small moments of contact and hope that in the future that will change.
For now Ira and I are concentrating on establishing some kind of new business to get us through the next 20 or so years of our life. Real Estate is picking up a little, his car business is showing signs of life and there is still the nagging feeling of wanting to start another restaurant so I've got my hands and head full of idea's. One thing I've noticed is how important inspiration and encouragement are in life. Maybe not all people but I know for myself, when I get a pat on the back or a "you can do it" from someone, it becomes the green light for me. I am an idea person for sure. I have a million things spinning through my head at all times but have difficulty putting anything into action. It's a wonder we ever got the restaurant started but we did and it became a landmark in our community so I know we have it in us to do great things. That chapter ended many years ago and since then we have entered into a sort of winter of life. Sleepy,cold,dark months of hibernation which remind me of the discontentment of this past winter. Maybe that is why it has hit me so hard this year as I am realizing that each season has it's purpose:
"He is like a tree planted by streams of water
which yields its fruit in season and whose
leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."
Psalms 1:3
Thank God that it says our leaves will not wither for I have certainly felt the past year like we were withering and it has been a true test in our marriage to just lift each other up when things got rough. It seems when I am down, Ira came through for me and vice versa. Thank God that we're never both down at the same time. I think that is what marriage is all about. A partnership through the good times and the bad with the knowledge that the two of you can get through anything together, knowing that someone will always have your back.
So we have two marriages in the family now and I am happy to say that I see this strong bond of support in both of these new families. I see a determined outlook of love and support and hard work in each face and that gives me great comfort. Ira and I will celebrate 40 years in August. 40 years of faith and trust and dependency on God and each other. These new marriages are just beginning and I pray that they keep the faith and appreciate the great adventure they have undertaken......the union of a man and woman.....the marriage of body, soul and Spirit.
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