I wish I had my camera handy last night to capture the expression on this big raccoon that decided to pay me a visit at 4am. He climbed way up to my porch and was looking for who knows what. Didn't find much except my pineapple plant that he was ready to pull off the table until I rapped on the window and he bolted. Before that he came right up to the glass door and just stared at me. Didn't seem a bit afraid though my hair was standing up on the back of my neck. It's funny how freaked out we get with wild animals from the smallest little bee to the larger variety.
Well I'm off to a picnic with my husband and three of the boys. Beautiful night so we're going to cook out at Price Lake which is so convieniently located around the corner. Hope to get some new pictures. Haven't taken any in so long. Josh and Gabe both just got new guitars and I'm anxious to hear some of their new music. I'm going to be better at this blog thing...promise.