Has it been a whole month since I've written?? This one just flew by and
makes me feel a little crazy inside thinking about how fast life is marching on. Gone are the days of looking forward to the future....now I just want time to stand still so I can appreciate every moment. Within the past few years the dimensions of my family circle have grown so much larger and there just doesn't seem to be enough time to be in all the places I need to be. One place that I was in a few weeks ago where I was able to reach out and touch all those in my circle was a surprise birthday party given by my children that will forever live in my heart and memories. I have thrown many a surprise party in my lifetime but this one was for ME and if it never happens again,which it probably won't, I'm a contented woman!!
They all conspired for many months, planning and perfecting every detail to put this together and most of all to keep me in the dark, which is a pretty hard thing to do. I usually figure these things out but I really had no clue.
The plan was to arrange a canoe trip down the New River in Ashe County where we would spend the night at a friend of my son's house. That sounded like a nice relaxing birthday. This was the big 6-0 and I really was not thrilled with making a big deal about entering a new and rather "old" decade so a canoe ride, dinner at Shatley Springs and some porch rocking sounded like a good way to spend the weekend. Little did I know when we floated down the river and came around the bend, that all the people running down the hill screaming Happy Birthday, was for me!!
They got me good!!! People I hadn't seen in years; old friends, new friends, all my children, my sister, just about everyone that has played a special part in my life. Oh my goodness!!! I was moved to tears and still am when I think about it.
First time seeing my daughter with her little baby pooch. Talk to her almost every day but to hug her neck and see that little life starting to show itself was a gift in itself. So much laughter and love and appreciation for what these children put together for their mother is beyond words. I pray that every mother gets to experience this. So many friends were there, all to wish me well and I can't even put in words how happy I was. My best friend from high school was in the crowd and when I saw her face I really fell apart.

So much joy everywhere. It really has made turning 60 not so bad. My friend Cindy brought out this beautiful birthday cake (they spelled surprise wrong) but it was so pretty and delicious that no one noticed.
Some heart felt toasts from family and friends and then it was on to lawn games, playing in the river and just visiting. They had rented two houses right next to each other, so we had the whole weekend to love up on each other. What can I say?? When I got home Sunday night I needed to go find a quiet corner of the house to just sob!! I had been holding back so much emotion for two days and I knew it had to come out at some point. They all were now returning to their lives, the party's over and I am missing them all so much. That's enough to make me cry!!
Did I mention that the most beautiful baby boy in the world was there and I got a chance to hold and kiss my Isiah for two whole days. It just couldn't have been any better.
I can get very caught up in all the daily trials we go through each week and something like this makes you forget it all and realize how very blessed you are. God has been so good to me and has always been that strong foundation in my life. I give Him all the credit for everything that we have and for my faithful and loving husband that has stood with me almost 40 years. That love is what has produced these five wonderful children and they are now sowing the seeds for their futures. I think they are off to a good start!!