In so many areas I am giving thanks these past few weeks. It seems like God hears my never ending pleas for this and that but rarely the overflowing song of thanksgiving. I have indeed been jumping up and down with happiness for how the Lord worked out my son's employment,moving,new baby,selling their house and starting life up in a new city all in the knick of time!! Does it seem like sometimes God pushes us in this corner of uncertainty maybe as a testing? All I know is that I did not pass the test with flying colors as I spent many months,days,hours WORRYING and honestly had my doubts at time if it would all work out. Of course when it does and it always does, I am terribly convicted with my lack of faith. He has never,ever forsaken me,let me down in any area of my life but still I allow the unknown to frighten me and steal my peace. So... lessons learned and life goes on.
Through all these recent bumps in the road another big step of growth is with my husband. Talk about patience and waiting......I have been waiting for us to be One in Christ for 33 yrs and all of a sudden one day it happened. I heard words I've never heard from him. He has always been a believer but he never understood the surrendered life and so most of our lives he has been very self absorbed. He couldn't grasp what it means to be crucified in Christ. Your life at that point is not your own, it is God living through you and the flesh fights hard for that control. Yes it is true that many people have to go through some difficult situations to come to this knowledge but it's only because you have to get yourself into a position where you give up trying to be something or somebody outside of God. It is especially hard on confident,capable, control freaks and that is where he was living. So.....a few things have happened 33 yrs. later to bring him down a notch and my prayers were finally answered. This has all happened within the last few months so I know there will be much more to this story but I am giddy with excitement for the first time in my life to be able to share my love of God with my husband and for me to know that God is preparing something for us to do as a team to reflect that love. I will share that story as it unfolds because I think it will be a great testimony to the business minded person out there that feel like they love God but do not see the abiding as a first priority. Bottom line is there is no life unless He abides in's just a front that will eventually come falling down.
On top of all these blessings there still was one more and that was when Gabe and Katie announced their engagement. Another new member of the family, another daughter to love and the hope of more babies!!!! Our family is going to be HUGE before long and I love it!
Ben had his 22 birthday on the 6th and Josh's 35 yrs. on the 12th so there has been much celebrating in our house the past few weeks. Now we look forward to a true day of thanksgiving coming up and everyone is coming home to the mountains for this wonderful time of year. Can't wait to see my new baby boy Isiah who over the past 6wks. has turned into a little man. I've never seen him in person with his eyes open, so I'm in for a treat. We're all just so excited to just be together. God is good!!