Maintain your abiding place! That is my thought this morning. It has been a very frenzied week with many things going on in various directions. After coming into the revelation of the Rest, I am constantly quickened when I sense my self slipping back to that place of control. I at least am getting sensitive to it. I only feel happy and content when I am resting in the shadow of you Lord. Help me to not move about so much and just rest in your perfect supply.
I think I will try to find a Glow Baby. I remember there was something like that years ago. A doll that lights up with a warm glow when you hug it or push a button. I just felt that glow of the Spirit and it reminded me of it. Such a near and dear comfort God has given us in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit Glow.
Poem by Denise of my favorites
Your secret was not the craftsman's delight in process,
which doesn't distinguish work from pleasure.
Your way was not to exalt nor avoid the Adamic legacy,
you simply made it irrelevant;
everything faded thinned to nothing, beside the light
which bathed and warmed the Presence your being
had opened to. Where it shone, there life was and
abundantly; it touched your dullest task and the task
was easy, joyful, absorbed.
You practiced the presence of God as a musician practices
hour after hour his art; A stone before the carver, you
entered into yourself.