Just getting ready to cross the finish line. I remember last year that as far as you come on this fast, the last day is a hard one to do. For some reason you feel like it's over and so you tend to not be as strict with yourself on the last day. I think we went to Carraba's last year and I ordered some veggies but then when it came could only pick at them. Since I'm working all day today it's making it easier. Sipping on my juice and will maybe eat an orange today. Definitely worth all the effort. I've lost over 10lbs. and feel soooo much better. Feel healthy,cleaned and ready to start this new year off going back to my vegetarian ways and being a part of the solution rather than the problem of what's happening to our food supply in this country. Saw the film Food,Inc. and it only confirmed what I was feeling.
So as we are inching into a new month, I feel invigorated and optimistic about new opportunities and adventures that are just around the corner. Answered prayer has been abundant in the past few weeks in our family. Thank you God that you say "ask and it will be given to you". You don't specify the length of time in between but that's OK, as I know that each day brings new revelations in the bigger picture.
The weather is beyond dreary and it is very hard to even try to think of something fun to do in this pea soup fog. Thinking about bowling....or the jazz concert tonight at the Meadowbrook. A new day of eating lies ahead but for some reason I am very hesitant to jump back to where I just came from. Need to be very cautious and not let my flesh call the shots. Very grateful that God is always cheering us on to grow in body,soul and spirit. That thirst for being all that He see's in me is what keeps me motivated.