OH JOY, OH JOY.....I finally can announce to the world that I am going to be a grandmother. We have been waiting to get through the first trimester and now that the nervous days of being careful in those first few months are solidly behind us, Jill and Eli have given us the green light to share the news with the world. To say we are excited is an understatement. I have been waiting for this moment and I hope many more to come since I resigned myself to the fact that no more babies were coming into the Wilson household....at least from me. I have to admit that the realization of that was very sad but age and the wear and tear on my body from five pregnancies had shouted loud and clear.....the reproductive years are over!! It is now time for the next generation and so it is. More to come on this blessed event as we anticipate the September arrival.

The Mother
by Robert William Service
Your children grow from you apart,
Afar and still afar;
And yet it should rejoice your heart
To see how glad they are;
In school and sport, in work and play,
And last, in wedded bliss
How others claim with joy to-day
The lips you used to kiss.
Your children distant will become,
And wide the gulf will grow;
The lips of loving will be dumb,
The trust you used to know
Will in another's heart repose,
Another's voice will cheer . . .
And you will fondle baby clothes
And brush away a tear.
But though you are estranged almost,
And often lost to view,
How you will see a little ghost
Who ran to cling to you!
Yet maybe children's children will
Caress you with a smile . . .
Grandmother love will bless you still,--
In just a little while.