"Judging ones own writing is like looking in a mirror. What you tell yourself about what you see in the reflection has far more to do with how you feel about yourself than with how you actually look." Betsy Lerner
Long time no posts!! The summer is going,going,almost gone. In a few days Ira and I will be celebrating 39 years of married life which means it is the end of August. It also means we are inching closer and closer to Baby Gio's entrance into the world. All thoughts and future plans are centered around this exciting event. Loose ends are slowly coming together in everyone's lives so I am relaxing a bit more with the details. Looking forward to Gabe's arrival home at the end of next month. I have really missed him and look forward to hearing about his most excellent adventure. This latest picture tells me we might have a future surfer in the wings. He looks good and I smile every time I see it.

We have all been through a pretty tough year. So many changes have taken place in all of our lives. It feels like we have held steady through the storm and brighter days are ahead, but who knows. I'm working on being content in all things,which is easier said than done.
I like this quote that I found in my journal coming from an interpretation of John 14:27
"This is the acid test that we should apply to all systems and understandings. If some advice on how we are to live claims to be the truth of God then it had better be effective. God's provision and life NEVER fails. This does not mean that physical prosperity or even physical health is the sign of God's blessing on a life. Rather...the ability to endure all things is the mark of the life lived by submission to the truth of God. It is the presence of peace and rest in all circumstances of our living that marks a life as one which is being lived in accord with the Father's truth."
How true!!
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