Where has the time gone. Running and jumping into July already. Thoughts of what we are doing and where we will be this winter are starting to surface and I don't like it!! I've got to stop and smell the roses. One big rose that has kept me hopping lately is this fine specimen of a animal named Maxwell. We bit the bullet and got ourselves a new member of the family. It was all kind of sudden but we both felt it was time. It has been a year since Bess passed on and I could just feel that the timing to start this journey was here. Our friends Steve and Lisa's white lab had a liter of nine pups and on our last time out there it was love at first sight. Though we had originally planned on a female, we changed our minds at the last minute.
He has been with us for a week now and we are slowly falling into a nice rhythm. He sleeps in a crate all through the night and rarely has an accident in the house so we're pretty lucky. Just like with a new baby it is all consuming.....watching his every move, doctor's appts. for shots, not being able to leave the house. It's temporary....so I think I can handle it. Like these days that turn into weeks, that turn into months; he will be full grown before I know it.
No real spiritual insights lately other than the word I got this morning....TRUST. God has been pushing that point to me a lot lately. In all of the many changes that are going on in our lives, He wants me to relax and trust Him. I have a way of throwing in the "what if" a lot and that is the part that always trips me up. The what if is covered when we are abiding and then the trust comes floating in. Practice makes perfect.
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