Not a whole lot going on these hot July days. Love this picture of Bethany and Brian from their Italian vacation album. Bethany did such a great job with her photo's, so much so that I felt like I had taken the trip with them. Check out this site if you are contemplating a trip to Italy. Seems like it's not quite as expensive as other parts of the country. Maybe a good place for Eli and Jill for "the honeymoon."
Ira and i just returned from a few days in Atlanta. Very hot and not a very productive trip as far as car buying goes but we had fun. Stayed at our favorite Hyatt Hotel in Buckhead and no trip to Atlanta would be complete until we stopped at Trader Joe's.
Loaded up on Two Buck Chuck,nuts,coffee and my favorite Italian Grapefruit Soda. I LOVE Trader Joe's!! My other favorite is Costco. My cupboards are quite full at the moment. Makes it easier to not have to go to the grocery store as much. Next weekend we are doing our camping thing again. I've got my little storehouse of camping gear,tent and camp stove and will gather up all our "stuff" this week. Here we are a few weeks ago at Price Lake. We have this fabulous state park right around the corner from us. So close that I forgot to bring candles and we just ran home to get them. Ira thinks we need to go farther away but I say what for, when you feel like your miles away but the drive back is only minutes. We always have fun, no matter where we go. Josh stopped by for dinner with Nigel. This time we might stay two nights and throw in some boating on Sunday. Life is good!!

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