Just after I posted my Mothers Day words I got this most beautiful letter from the youngest of the troop, Ben. I don't think money could buy a greater gift than this. It truly is one of the most heart warming gifts I've ever received. I know they all feel that way but Ben, your words spoke volumes. Thank you so much. I love you all more than life.
Mother Nature....Happy Mothers Day!!!
I was going to drive home this weekend to surprise you, but the ole Oceanic wouldnt let me. I feel like its been forever since ive seen you and I'm not happy about that. Anyways, I wanted to let you know on this special day that I love you so much and i really miss you. You are a very big inspiration to me and I realize more and more each day how important you are to me and what an influence you have on everything I do. Whether it be a song I am writing or just a conversation I have with my friends,your words speak through me. By the way I just wrote a song called "Jesus Dont Leave Us Alone" and I think you're gonna like it. You have made me into the man that I am today and I could not thank you enough. I am getting to a place in my life now where I really feel that the Lord is taking over. I dont feel scared anymore. I am finally feeling secure in every step I take and I have you to thank for that. You have put up with so much of my crap and somehow have always been there for me. I really wish I could be home right now to give you a huge hug and a kiss but hopefully I will be there soon enough.I love you more than words can say
Your Son, Benjamin Giovara
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