What has happened to the Blog????? Left out in the cold with too many other things demanding my time. Several others have been in the same rut......you know who you are!! Life is a big roller coaster at the moment and I guess I'm not up to recording it all, I save that for my journal. We are here in chilly Florida. The weather has not been very hot and sunny. We've had a few days but just as many cold and grey ones. Christmas has come and gone. We spent it in Orlando with Bethany this year and all but Eli flew in. She was decked out at her house and so we enjoyed a very carefree day. Beautiful tree and Christmas Eve service at her church and several days of a lot of cooking, eating, being together and saying thank you God for the one and only gift we'll ever need which is Jesus. We missed our Eli and Jill this year and hope that doesn't happen to often. They are busy with a new house and a new life and we understand. We're looking forward to this new year with a new direction for all of us. 2008 will be a banner year, I just know it!!!
Surge of uplifting thoughts fill me each morning as I begin my prayer time and the Holy Spirit whispers encouraging words that God if FOR SURE preparing something interesting this year that will lead us all into the path He's always known we will walk. So I'm trying to be patient as both houses are on the market. I feel like our life has a big For Sale sign on it but so far no takers. That could change any day which makes it kind of exciting as we wait.
I included a picture of my little squirrels that sit in the big oak tree near our deck. I'm not sure what happened to my birds. I always have a flock of them in my yard but this year they are very few and instead have an abundance of these little furry guys. I put out peanuts for them every morning and sit and watch their antics. Caught that photo of mom and dad or maybe brother and sister or maybe just friends, waiting for the goods. Whether it's birds or squirrels, cat or dogs, even the scary alligator...animals give me such pleasure. Can't bear the thought of harm coming to them and have such a protective feeling for them; also abused children. That's my weak spot in this life and often wonder if that area is where I should focus. When the dust settles from all this house, job children leaving the nest drama, I do pray that God is leading Ira and I into something more serving for 2008. I'm quite sick of running to satisfy our appetites. Life not centered on God is purposeless and meaningless. The first half has been producing a family and what a great responsibility and hard work that has been, but the labor from beginning to end is over and there is something ahead that is not yet clear...and so we wait. My word for 2008 is SURRENDER.
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