So grateful for the gift of Jesus Christ and the empowering of the Holy Spirit more than ever this year. This truly is a time to stop in our tracks and say thank you God for this gift of eternal life that you have given us. Merry Christ-mas to each and everyone.
Jacob Boehme wrote these words back in the 1,400's....true yesterday,today and forever.
''Self-will cannot comprehend anything of God. It is not in God, but external to him. If we live in Christ, the Spirit of Christ will see through us and in us. We will see and know what Christ desires.
''Christ dwelling in the soul, causes his Light to become a holy substance, a spiritual body, a true temple, in which the Holy Spirit dwells. . . . Self-hood hath not true substance in which light can be steadfast. It desireth not God's meekness.
When the Light of God first manifests itself in the Soul, it shines forth as Light from a candle, and kindles the outward Light of Reason immediately; yet it yields not itself wholly up to Reason, so as to be under the dominion of the outward man. No, the outward man beholds himself in this through-shining luster, as he doth his likeness in a looking-glass, whereby he presently learns to know himself, which is good and profitable to him and the only true life there is."